window.NXSTdata = window.NXSTdata || {}; window.NXSTdata.content = window.NXSTdata.content || {}; = || {}; = || {}; = || {}; window.NXSTdata.layout = window.NXSTdata.layout || {}; window.NXSTdata.privacy = window.NXSTdata.privacy || {}; window.NXSTdata.alerts = window.NXSTdata.alerts || {}; window.NXSTdata.location = window.NXSTdata.location || {}; populateNXSTData() document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { if (window.NXSTdata.content.title === '') { window.NXSTdata.content.title = document.title; } window.NXSTdata.content.videoPlayerTypes = [] addVideoPlayer('div.s2nFriendlyFrame', 'sendtonews') addVideoPlayer('div.s2nPlayer', 'sendtonews') addVideoPlayer('div.fb-video', 'facebook') addVideoPlayer('iframe[src*=""]', 'youtube') addVideoPlayer('iframe[src*=""], iframe[src*="https://venn-dev"]', 'venn') addVideoPlayer('div[data-react-component="VideoPlayer"]', 'videojs') addVideoPlayer('div[data-react-component="AnvatoVideoPlayer"]', 'akta') /* Custom event to signal UDL data has been fully loaded. */ document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'UniversalDataLayerLoaded' ) ) }) function addVideoPlayer(selector, name) { const videoCount = document.querySelectorAll(selector).length if(videoCount) { window.NXSTdata.content.videoPlayerTypes.push(name) if ('akta' !== name && 'videojs' !== name) { window.NXSTdata.content.videoCount += videoCount } } } function uuid4() { /* Generetes a UUID (Version 4) per RFC 4122 using crypto API. */ return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ) } function populatePage() { /* Define query parameter fetching function. */ const getQueryParams = () => { /* Define value parsing function. */ const parseValue = (value) => { try { return JSON.parse(value) } catch (error) { return value } } /* Read parameters. */ const search = || '' const params = new URLSearchParams(search.startsWith('?') ? search : `?${search}`) /* Parse and return parameters. */ return [...params.entries()].reduce( (obj, [key, value]) => ({ ...obj, [key]: ( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) /* Convert existing key to array, or append to array. */ ? [...(Array.isArray(obj[key]) ? obj[key] : [obj[key]]), (parseValue(value))] /* Add parsed value. */ : (parseValue(value)) ) }), {} ) } /* Create and assign a unique ID. */ = uuid4() /* Assign values. */ = window.document.location.href || "" = getQueryParams() || {} = window.document.location.hash || "" = ( ( || === "") ? : document.referrer ) } function populateAdSlots() { /* Define ad slot fetching function. */ const getAdSlots = () => (window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().map((slot) => (slot.getTargeting('pos')[0])) || []) /* Proceed if GPT is up. */ if (window.googletag && googletag.pubadsReady) { /* Fetch slots. */ = getAdSlots() /* Register event listener for future slot requests. */ window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRequested', (event) => { = getAdSlots() }) } else { /* Assign a value if previously did not assigned. */ = || [] /* Poll GPT until available. */ setTimeout(populateAdSlots, 100) } } function populatePrivacy() { /* Assign default values. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy = { activeRules: [], usPrivacyString: '', gppString: '', essentialCookies: true, limitNexstar: false, limitOthers: false, consentCookieSetDate: '', ccpaAlertClosed: false, __cookie_check: 10, // Control variable saleOfPersonalData: '', oneTrustActiveGroups: '', ...window.NXSTdata.privacy, } /* Determine if CCPA is active. */ if (window.__inScopeForCCPA && !window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.includes('ccpa')) { window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.push('ccpa') /* Sort to normalize order. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.sort() } /* Create control variables for cookie checks. */ const must_cookies = [ 'usprivacy', 'OTGPPConsent', 'ConsentCookies', 'CookieSetDate', 'AlertBanner', 'nxst_id', 'OptanonConsent' ] let should_check = must_cookies.length const check_limit_reached = (window.NXSTdata.privacy.__cookie_check <= 0) /* Fetch cookies. */ const cookies = document.cookie /* Traverse cookies. */ cookies.split(';').map((item) => { /* Fetch key - value pair. */ const [ key, ...val_arr ] = item.trim().split('=') const value = val_arr.join('=') /* Adjust control variables. */ if (must_cookies.includes(key)) { should_check = should_check - 1 } /* Act based on key. */ if (key === 'usprivacy') { /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.usPrivacyString = value } else if (key === 'OTGPPConsent') { window.NXSTdata.privacy.gppString = value } else if (key === 'ConsentCookies') { /* Parse stored JSON. */ const { strictly_necessary=window.NXSTdata.privacy.essentialCookies, block_nexstar=window.NXSTdata.privacy.limitNexstar, block_others=window.NXSTdata.privacy.limitOthers } = JSON.parse(value) /* Assign boolean values. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.essentialCookies = !!strictly_necessary window.NXSTdata.privacy.limitNexstar = !!block_nexstar window.NXSTdata.privacy.limitOthers = !!block_others } else if (key === 'CookieSetDate') { /* Parse date into array of strings with padding. */ const numberStringList = value.match(/\d+/g).map((item, index) => ( item.toString(10).padStart(index === 0 ? 4 : 2, '0') )) /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.consentCookieSetDate = numberStringList.join('-') } else if (key === 'AlertBanner') { /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.ccpaAlertClosed = (value === 'closed') } else if (key === 'nxst_id') { /* Ensure uniqueness. */ if (!window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.includes('nexstarid')) { /* Add Nexstar ID to active rules. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.push('nexstarid') /* Sort to normalize order. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.activeRules.sort() } } else if (key === 'OptanonConsent') { let groups = [] decodeURIComponent(value).split('&').map((i) => { const [ k, ...val_arr ] = i.trim().split('=') const value = val_arr.join('=') if( k == 'groups'){ groups = value.split(",").map((group) => { return group.split(':') }) } }) const activeGroups = groups.filter((group) => { return Boolean(parseInt(group[group.length-1])) }) window.NXSTdata.privacy.saleOfPersonalData = Boolean(groups.find((group) => { const key = group[0] || '' const value = Boolean(parseInt(group[1])) if ( key === "SPD_BG" ) { return value } })) window.NXSTdata.privacy.oneTrustActiveGroups = => { return group[0] }).join(',') } }) /* Register repeated function call if it fired too early. */ if (should_check && !check_limit_reached) { /* Update stored control variable. */ window.NXSTdata.privacy.__cookie_check = window.NXSTdata.privacy.__cookie_check - 1 /* Schedule function call. */ window.setTimeout(populatePrivacy, 100) } else { /* Remove stored control variable. */ delete window.NXSTdata.privacy.__cookie_check } } function populateIdentity() { /* Assign default values. */ window.NXSTdata.identity = { gaClientId: '', blueconicId: '', nexstarId: '', segmentUserId: '', __cookie_check: 10, // Control variable ...window.NXSTdata.identity } /* Create control variables for cookie checks. */ const must_cookies = [ 'BCSessionID', '_ga', ] let should_check = must_cookies.length const check_limit_reached = (window.NXSTdata.identity.__cookie_check <= 0) /* Fetch cookies. */ const cookies = document.cookie /* Traverse cookies. */ cookies.split(';').map((item) => { /* Fetch key - value pair. */ const [ key, ...val_arr ] = item.trim().split('=') const value = val_arr.join('=') /* Adjust control variables. */ if (must_cookies.includes(key)) { should_check = should_check - 1 } /* Act based on key. */ if (key === 'BCSessionID') { /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.identity.blueconicId = value } else if (key === '_ga') { /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.identity.gaClientId = value.split('.').splice(2).join('.') } else if (key === 'nxst_id') { /* Assign string value. */ window.NXSTdata.identity.nexstarId = value } }) /* Try to assign SegmentID as NexstarID. If not available, fallback to BlueConicID. */ window.NXSTdata.identity.segmentUserId = ( window.NXSTdata.identity.nexstarId || window.NXSTdata.identity.blueconicId ) /* Register repeated function call if it fired too early. */ if (should_check && !check_limit_reached) { /* Update stored control variable. */ window.NXSTdata.identity.__cookie_check = window.NXSTdata.identity.__cookie_check - 1 /* Schedule function call. */ window.setTimeout(populateIdentity, 100) } else { /* Remove stored control variable. */ delete window.NXSTdata.identity.__cookie_check } /* As requested on WC-1709. If we have the toggle `blueconic_deprioritization` on, we should use the ndn cookie for the nexstarId. */ if(document.getElementById("blueconic_deprioritization")) { window.NXSTdata.identity.nexstarId = window.zzz_ndn; } } function setPermutiveGeoDataInUDL() { const permutiveDataEnrichersName = 'permutive-data-enrichers' // try to get permutive data enrichers from localStorage const localPermutiveDataEnrichers = localStorage.getItem( permutiveDataEnrichersName ) // if data is already on the localStorage just run the handler else hook it if (localPermutiveDataEnrichers) { setItemHandler(permutiveDataEnrichersName, localPermutiveDataEnrichers) } else { // hook into localStorage and set permutive data enricher on the UDL hookInto(localStorage, 'setItem', setItemHandler) } // handler for permutive's data enrichers function setItemHandler(key, value) { if (key !== permutiveDataEnrichersName) { return } // get data from local storage const { data = {} } = JSON.parse(value)["enricher:geoip"]; // store data into the UDL NXSTdata.location.geoCity = || ''; NXSTdata.location.geoContinent = data.geo_info.continent || ''; NXSTdata.location.geoCountry = || ''; NXSTdata.location.geoRegion = data.geo_info.province || ''; NXSTdata.location.isp = data.isp_info.isp || ''; NXSTdata.location.ispOrganization = data.isp_info.organization || ''; } /** * hookInto * * This will hook into a function of an object so we can check the arguments * used when it is called any time and do some calculations on those arguments. * * @param {object} targetObject Object where the function is function is * @param {string} functionName The name of the function you want to target * @param {function} handler The hook function that will handle the arguments * @returns {undefined} */ function hookInto(targetObject, functionName, handler = () => {}) { // save the original function const backupFunction = targetObject[functionName] // overwrite the original function and set the handler targetObject[functionName] = function(...args) { // handle the arguments with the custom handler handler(...args) // trigger the original function as normal backupFunction.apply(targetObject, args) } } } /* Populates all layer data */ function populateNXSTData() { /* Call populate functions for NXSTData */ populatePage() populateAdSlots() populatePrivacy() populateIdentity() setPermutiveGeoDataInUDL() }